Pediatric Department
Prof. Dr. Saeedur Rahman
MBBS (DMC), FCPS (Pediatrics) Senior Consultant
AMZ Hospital Ltd. (Pediatrician)
AMZ Hospital Ltd. (Pediatrician)
Asso. Prof. Dr. Delowar Hossain Mollah
MBBS, FCPS (Pediatrics) Asso. Prof. & Head of Dept.
US Bangla Medical College Hospital
US Bangla Medical College Hospital
Asst. Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Maleque Molla
MRCP (UK), MRCPCH (UK), FRCP (ED), FRCPCH, DCH Asst. Professor
Imam Mohamman Ibn Saoud Islamic University
Imam Mohamman Ibn Saoud Islamic University
ASST. PROF. Dr. Jannatul Mawa
MBBS, DCH (BSMMU) Ex-Asst. Professor
Sahabuddin Medical College And Hospital
Sahabuddin Medical College And Hospital
Dr. Khalikuzzaman
MBBS (DMC) DTM,DCH(Ireland) Consultant
AMZ Hospital Ltd
AMZ Hospital Ltd
Dr. Farzina Islam
MBBS (SSMC), BCS (Health) DCH (DMC), FCPS (Pediatric) Consultant (Pediatric Department)
Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka
Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka